I've decided that I'm going to do more with this blog. By that, I mean that I'm going to showcase more poetry (when I write it), I'm going to start writing my own brand of reviews (which I think I'll title "I Command You To Hear This", although that may change), and I may even get news-relevant. I've lost focus, a lot, and I'm trying to gain some ground now. I think if I motivate myself enough, I can have some very post-worthy topics on here.
I have another spot for my personal posts, and I think I'm going to keep it that way, for now.
The challenge for me at current moment is to post at least once a week. Depending on a number of factors, I may increase that base requirement of myself. Starting light is probably the best option for me.
So you'll be hearing from me again soon...very soon. Well, okay...keep your fingers crossed.