I've disappeared from the ether for far too long. While I don't have a lot of time in the current moment, I'd like to tell you about a couple fun things.
1. The Philles won the National League Championship last night, and I firmly believe that, future dynasty or not, the people of Philadelphia are in the midst of a truly amazing and special team. I hope that they are about to be successful in defending their World Series title against whichever team they wind up playing--part of me is hoping for a match-up with the Yankees, but only after losing a couple games to the Angels. Let's give the Phils a few days of rest.
2. The studio has started up a great website to help artists raise funds for their projects called Feed The Muse. Currently still in the early stages and with some cool changes on the way, the site has already helped people raise over $15,000 in our first three months. We're all really proud.
3. Speaking of great sites, I recommend you check out The 61. Seriously, go there now. If you love music, especially of the independent variety, go there NOW. It's a fantastic site, and I could go on and on about some of it's features here, but I think I will save that for its own dedicated post. If you decide to sign up, tell them pattae sent you. Let me know when/if you sign up, and I'll be your first subscriber!
4. It's October, and we've hit one of my favorite times of year. There isn't too much special about posting that--I just thought it needed to be said.
There's more where this came from. Seriously. I promise.