It has been QUITE some time since I last wrote anything I felt remotely post-worthy on this here blog, but I guess I've been getting bit by the writing bug lately. I don't necessarily expect to have a big audience for the things I post, but that really isn't my goal anyway. I want to use this spot as a way to voice my thoughts and opinions on what I'm observing from the world, the things I'm learning and how I'm trying to apply that knowledge, and tidbits I find worth sharing with anyone who cares to read. My goal is to make myself get in the habit of writing more, because, as I've realized in the past few weeks, it's something I definitely have missed doing. I have a new poem that I wrote, but I won't post it until I've had the opportunity to give a hand-written copy to the person I wrote it for. Perhaps before then I'll have something new to post anyway.
On to some other things...
I've taken more of an interest in cooking lately. A large part of the reason why has to do with a personal quest to have a more personal connection to the food I'm eating. Back when I first moved out on my own, my freezer was stacked high with Lean Cuisines perfect for popping in the microwave at the end of a long day of work while I watched whatever version of Law & Order was currently airing on NBC that night. While they might have been a step in the right direction as far as portion control and getting more vegetables in my diet were concerned, thinking about the ingredient list and the amount of sodium contained in those little dishes had me thinking twice about going back to my grocer's freezer aisle.
Over time, I've let my grocery-buying habits evolve to include more fruits and vegetables and get myself motivated to consume them before they go bad. Sometimes it's not as easy as it looks! You know you should have some healthier-for-you snacks, but goshdarnit it's hard to resist the lure of Cheddar Cheese Pretzel Combos when they're sitting RIGHT there! And then, before you know it, your peppers have gone bad, the grapes are sour and squishy, and you don't even want to guess what the technical name is for what's growing on the strawberries. Nevertheless, I persisted, more aware of what I was buying and how long it'd last, and perhaps taking more time between trips to the store for Combos. It's really amazing how all the little steps add up over time until you realize that you're definitely not eating the same crap every day. I feel guilty some days for not having enough of my fruits or veggies now, and I try to make them a big part of every dinner I cook now. A dinner of all starch and fats is no longer my ideal meal. For anyone who knew me when I was a young Pattae, that's HUGE.
Lately, I've been going even more in-depth to try to find the healthy balance of buying locally-produced, organic, and conventional produce. I read up on what's suggested buying organic over conventional, and just this weekend I went to one of the local farmers' markets in the area to see what people from area farms are selling. I like having a better idea of what the growing seasons for various fruits and vegetables are around here. It makes me think a little bit more about what I might see stocked in the grocery store in six months' time and where that's actually coming from. But as far as the market is concerned, I picked up some local tomatoes, some fresh-baked bread, and some farmhouse cheddar. I haven't tried the cheddar just yet, but tonight I tried my hand at making a homemade bruschetta, and I think I had a successful run. It was fairly easy to prepare, and the taste was so fresh and delightful. I definitely plan on doing it again in the near future. I hope to post more about recipes I'm trying out with a little more detail in coming posts.
I haven't even gone on to talk about all the martial arts training I've been involved with over the past year and a half, but I guess I'll get to that next time, hopefully with some good examples of things I've been working on. Until then, goodnight!
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