Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Executive Decision

I normally give myself a Tuesday night deadline to get my 5 CDs a Week project up for all to see. I won't go to bed until it's finished if it comes to it. Lately I've been okay--I still post it late in the evening, but before my normal bed time. However, my workload at my job just got a ton bigger this week, and while I sort it all out, I'm going to go easy on myself and post week 8 when I can. A sleep-deprived Pattae would not do well to get through everything that needs to be done in the coming week work-wise--I need my head on straight! Plus I want to make sure I put out a really solid assessment of my week of listening, and I don't want to make it feel rushed. Last week's post felt that way to me just a little bit, and I think I'd be doing myself a disservice to keep that trend going.

That said, I will still post week 8, and with luck post week 9 by my normal deadline. Procrastination will not be a regular thing, goshdarnit!

To tide you over until the post is up, have yourself a listen to some of the tracks on a CD on my list this week, courtesy of Joe Logic. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

5 CDs a Week, week 7

The randomly-picked list of the week:

1. Beck, Midnite Vultures
2. Prince, Purple Rain
3. Beastie Boys, Hello Nasty
4. Radio 4, Stealing of a Nation
5. Aria Decline, Moving

Once again, another week goes by, and the batteries I have in the portable keep on kicking! I can't complain about that. I'm just surprised at this point. Go batteries, go! The other thing I've noticed is that if I put the headphones plug all the way into the jack, I only get one channel coming into the speakers. If I keep it part-way out, I get the stereo signal--very weird. I'll have to see if I can tool around with that to fix the problem.

It's music time!

Out of all the Beck albums I own, Midnite Vultures is definitely my favorite. There are so many fantastic songs on the album. There's "Sexx Laws", "Peaches & Cream", "Nicotine & Gravy", "Milk & Honey", and of course my favorite favorite track, "Debra". Most of these tracks got played often when Kathleen and I would have dance parties in our apartment--those were the days! There are a bunch of songs I associate with those fun nighttime impromptu dancing sessions, but the songs from Midnite Vultures feature prominently. These songs make me bounce and dance and just want to party. It's so feel-good you'd think it'd hurt, but it doesn't!

When I met Karl in the city one day a few years ago, the first thing he did was give me a copy of Purple Rain. I gave him a copy of an article I found on vintage amps--personally, I'm betting I got the better end of that exchange. Now, the reason he gave the CD to me was because I told him that, at the time, I didn't have anything by Prince. Apparently, that was musical blasphemy in his eyes. So, I took CD home after our afternoon traipsing around the city, and put it on shortly thereafter. Right away, I knew that I knew about half the songs on the album already, but after listening to it as a whole, I can safely say that this album rocks. For a few years I've thought of "Let's Go Crazy" as one of my theme songs, and anyone who knows me well knows that I can perform the spoken opening to the song with perfect inflection from memory. The first couple weeks after I got the CD, I was listening to it every day on my walks to and from work and practically jumping while I walked because I was so energized. It's got a great feel for putting some pep in my step when I need it, or even when I don't and I still want to continue the good vibe I'm already on. I think my favorite line in all the songs is from "Baby I'm a Star": "Hey, I ain't got no money, but honey I'm rich on personality!" All the happy, bouncy energy is brought to a close with the title track, powerful in itself but with a more subdued energy from the rest. So thanks for the gift, Karl.

Hello Nasty is the only Beastie Boys album I own. Maybe I misspoke; it's the only one I own on CD. It's another good CD for moving around. Hell, it's got a song called "Body Movin'", you'd hope at least that song would do it! It's been quite a while since I've listened to the CD, and I found as I listened to it that I remembered more songs than I thought I did. I started singing along wth "Super Disco Breakin'", "Just a Test", and of course "Intergalactic". It's always surprising to see how much information my head can hold, and how at any given point just one little trigger whips out all this information, be it song lyrics or a product jingle from some toy in the 80s. Sometimes it really does seem like it comes out of nowhere. I'm sure it can be explained--there are enough people studying neuro-science these days--but I think the self-realizations of what one's brain can do are, for a lack of better words, mind-blowing.

This must've been the week for good albums to dance to. I think Radio 4's Stealing of a Nation fits the bill quite nicely along with the others in this list. I think I like "Shake the Foundation" the best. Interestingly enough, the only lyrics included with the CD are the ones to the "Nation" (where the title of the album comes from), and reading them over just now, they feel very appropriate for the political climate of the past year, even though this came out in 2004. Then again, the political climate wasn't much different back then, aside from the guy who was heading up the Executive Branch. Funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh?

I went to see Aria Decline play at some bar in Upper Darby with one (or more) of my sisters and other friends. I can't remember too much about the night, except for some reason it comes to my mind the the bar was awash in the color red. I don't remember any of the other bands that played that night, but I know it was a good time, and I enjoyed myself. We wound up talking to members of the band after their set, and I picked up a copy of their EP, Moving. I also picked up a number of stickers from them, which I found when I was going through and doing some cleaning a few weeks ago. I signed up for their mailing list too, because that's what I wind up doing at shows when I like a band, and then when the e-mails actually start rolling in, I decide whether or not it was worth it. Funnily enough, I think one of the first e-mails I got from them was one that said they were changing their name. I have no idea what it is now, or if the band is even playing together anymore. Those stickers I found could be considered collectors' items now, I guess--if something like band stickers held much of any value. Oh well--their poppy rock was enjoyed on a night out with some friends, and the EP was enjoyed tonight. It wasn't mind-blowingly great, but it was a good way to start winding down the evening.

That wraps up this week. I know it might be a little bit shorter than some of the others I've put up on this project. I'm a bit tired tonight, and I wanted to keep up with the consistency of the current formula I have going, so length was sacrificed. I hope you can understand, dear readers.

Until next week, happy listening! And if you're in the US, I hope you all have a very happy and filling Thanksgiving Day!

Battery tally: still 4 sets. Woohoo!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Something in the air?

There have been more than a few times in my life when I've thought about a person who I haven't seen in quite some time, and within roughly a week, I will hear from said person. While I'm always surprised that the turn of events actually happens, I'm usually not shocked. The person that pops into my head is usually a good friend, and because of things like work and general busy-ness in life, is someone I don't get to talk to as often as I would like.

Today, I was shocked.

Back when I worked at the bank, there was a women who frequented who also happened to work at a studio, and she and I chatted a bunch about working in a studio environment, and her words were very inspirational, making me believe that I could "make it" if I pushed myself enough and stuck it out. So far, so good.

I happened to think about her over the weekend and how I hadn't talked to her in years, and how it was sad that I lost that connection. I'd love to pick her brain about at least a dozen things if given the chance, and I didn't think I'd get one.

Until about 40 minutes ago. She just so happened to call the studio. When I told her who she was talking to, she screamed out, "YOU'RE STILL THERE!" It was a very awesome feeling. Of course, we had to talk some business, but I hope I'll get to talk to her again soon.

I know stranger things have happened in the world, but still, when these things keep happening, it makes me think again about how powerful thought can sometimes be. Maybe if we all focus on some positive thoughts, some great things can happen. At the very least, we could hope for some reconnections.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 CDs a Week, week 6

This week's list, randomly as always:

1. Ben Fold Five, Whatever and Ever, Amen
2. Jamiroquai, Travelling Without Moving
3. DJ Shadow, Preemptive Strike
4. Filter, Title of Record
5. SGR, Atomic Pony

Disclosure for this week: When I pulled SGR's CD out of my pile, I already knew the disc was not in the case. I went into a panicked search this morning to try to find it, it no avail. HOWEVER, it just so happens that SGR recorded their album at the studio, so I did a little search and happened to find a copy on CD around that I could pop in and listen to. So, while the copy isn't mine, it is on CD, and hence, will be listened to! I hope I can find my copy, though!

Now, on to the musical stylings of the week!

The one song I really knew from Filter's Title of Record was "Take My Picture", which was likely the reason I got the CD in the first place. It's definitely my favorite track on the album. I think, in these days, I probably would've downloaded just that track and let the rest just be. Many of the other songs are a bit harder rock, which isn't a personal preference of mine. I'd probably give some of these tracks another go round, but I'd have to be in the mood for it.

Something I'm always in the mood for is Jamiroquai's Travelling Without Moving. That's right, another week, another Jamiroquai album (don't worry, this can only happen two more times!). Yes, it's the album that made them popular in the US because of "Virtual Insanity", aka, the song with the cool moving-couches video, but I think it's their best overall album. Stylistically, it runs the gamut--there's R&B, funk, soul, some cool rockin' didgeridoo. I don't know that I could pick a favorite track from the album. I think the whole album is my favorite.

This was my first Jamiroquai purchase. I was fifteen or sixteen when I got it, and it's one of the first 10 cds I owned. I know this because I got a CD case from my sister for my birthday one year that held 8 CDs, and I think I was able to put most, if not all, of my collection in it. I listened to this CD a lot in 1997--I remember putting it on while I was in the van on the way up to (and later coming back from) the Summer College program at Ithaca. Being that those two weeks were some of the most formative for me, listening to any of the music I associate from that time always brings a smile to my face, but this CD especially. It was a bit of a departure from what I had listened to before, and I think it helped me a lot in expanding the genres of music I'd be open to listening to. Plus, it's a great album to dance to, and anyone who knows me knows I love to dance!

Another CD in my early collection was Ben Folds Five's Whatever and Ever, Amen. I have really strong memories of sitting on my bed (the top bunk, no less!), listening to this CD and reading Agatha Christie plays from a book that I had to get for one play for English class. The album has the up, the down, the all around fun emotionally. There's the super-happy "Kate", and the all-too-crushing "Brick". The anger and need for revenge in "One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces" is counterbalanced by the mellow "Missing the War". The cooling relationship of "Selfless, Cold, and Composed" goes against the wild breakup of "Song For the Dumped". All in all, it was perfect for my mood for during my sophomore year of high school. I was up and down so much that year; for the second half, mostly down. I don't know exactly what caused it, but I was definitely depressed for the better part of the second semester, and I always turned to music in those times. It wasn't to quote every single line of every depressing song I heard--that's not my thing. Just listening to music and sort of being inside my thoughts, at the time, was what I thought I needed. Yeah, there was some poetry in there too, and not all of it good, but there was always music, and I know this album was definitely part of that time. I don't really feel the same feelings I felt when I listened to it back then, but I think that's a good thing. If I was still holding on to the same emotions I had thirteen years ago, there is something seriously holding up my progress in life.

SGR's EP, Atomic Pony was a project I actually got to see happen. It's a great little ska and rock record that has some fantastically fun tunes. Matt Skoufalos and friends came in to the studio looking to rework some songs they had, and they spent a fair amount of time there making them sound great. It's hard to pick a favorite song on this one; that may be because I got to know all the songs so well as they were being recorded and mixed. "Constellation", with the help of Freedie "DJ-3D" Weaver's additional vocals, is a perfectly danceable ska song, and it definitely gets me in the mood to jump around and, eventually, to catch my breath at the end. Every time I listen to "Potter's Field" I'm inclined to start belting it out. It may just be five songs long, but it's incredibly fun to listen to.

I first heard DJ Shadow in 2003, after I was given a mix (and yes, I'll write about that here, too) by someone who was great for expanding both my creativity and my musical knowledge, but not so great in nearly every other way for me. It's interesting how those people come into your life; with luck it's never a long stay. Regardless, every time I listen to Preemptive Strike, I'm taken back to the city, hanging around Temple. There's something about the CD that, to me, sounds like the city. I love all four parts of "What Does Your Soul Look Like", "High Noon", and "Organ Donor". This is a great album all around. I think there's a darkness to it that keeps me on edge and draws me in at the same time. It makes me think back to the writing I was doing at the time--experimental for me at the time, although now, when I do get around to writing some poetry, still greatly influences how I write today. Maybe I should put this album on more often, or put it on as I'm walking around the city, and see what I can come up with. I'll have to try this out sometime soon, maybe on a day when the weather is nice and I have a few hours to kill.

And another week is done. I love that every week I'm still pulling out CDs and getting really excited to listen to them. There's definitely something to be said for holding a CD in your hand, pouring through the liner notes, or just looking through the artwork. With an mp3, you can't hold it, unless it's on an iPod or similar device, and I don't think that feeling is the same. Just today, Apple announced that the Beatles catalog is being added to the iTunes library. That really wasn't the unforgettable announcement I was hoping for. Personally, if I'm going to buy a Beatles album, I'd prefer to get the CD version. This project is making me realize the impact having something tactile like a CD versus the data files of mp3's, AAC's and the like that I can't hold on to. I would put more value in a CD than I would in mp3 downloads any day. Every week is giving me a few more good reasons why.

Until next week, happy listening!

Battery Tally: Still 4 sets! Those rechargeables are MONSTERS...Actually, they literally are Monster Batteries. I highly recommend the brand.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How about that?

So, I love the webcomic Kawaii Not, but this comic is all too appropriate for my project.

Seriously, when is the last time you hugged your CDs?

They miss you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


...or Chopper 4???

But seriously...

I've been listening to Pandora occasionally at work, and while it often surprises me with songs I haven't heard in ages, since I've started my 5 CDs a Week project, there have been several occasions where Pandora's played a song that was on one of the CDs on my listening list for that week's post.  Often it's been something on a CD I haven't even begun listening to!  Now, I know I've said before that I think Pandora is in cahoots with the music collection on my computer, but to be in cahoots with the CDs I'm picking at random is a bit, okay maybe a lot, weird.  Am I being watched on some small camera by Pandora's algorithm?  Who knows?  If this keeps happening I'm going to get a little freaked out...okay more freaked out than I am already!

5 CDs a Week, week 5

This week's list:

1. Matt Pond PA, Winter Songs
2. Pat McGee Band, Shine
3. Jamiroquai, Emergency on Planet Earth
4. Maroon 5, Songs About Jane
5. Rooney, Rooney

This seemed the be the week of the busted jewel cases. A couple of the cases had the bottom latch broken off, so as soon as I opened them up, the top of the case just came right off. I know I have a handful of cases that are like that, and I wish I knew exactly how that happened. I thought it interesting that I got multiple cases like that in one week. On top of that, I still haven't had to replace the batteries in the portable player. I'll admit, I didn't use it a lot this week, but I did use it multiple days, and the batteries are still kickin'. Good job, portable!

And now, the music!

Emergency on Planet Earth, the other half of the double-disc set I picked up in college, is probably my least favorite of Jamiroquai's albums, but that doesn't mean that I don't still really like it. I think when I listen to it I get the vibe that I should be watching some episodes of The Cosby Show. There's just something to the early 90s funkiness of it that makes me thing that the Coz would be a fan of listening to the album while wearing a crazy sweater and enjoying a Jell-O Pudding Pop (Lord I miss those things, especially the swirl!). It's got some great songs, my favorite of which is "Blow Your Mind", but when I compare it to the other Jamiroquai albums I own, it doesn't quite match up. I'm still happy that I got it when I did, and I do listen to songs from it periodically, but it's rare for me to listen to the whole album.

I remember when I first heard Rooney back in 2003 or 2004, my initial thought after listening to their first single, "Blue Side", was, "Oh my God, they're the unholy love child of Weezer and the Beach Boys!" Listening to the entire album only amplified those feelings. They nail the sound of California rock, and the lyrics to the songs all deal with relationships in a way that reminds me ever so slightly of Pinkerton. I used to listen to this on the portable all the time on my commute to the studio back in the days of my internship. Back when I was taking the train every day pre-iPod, I brought along with me a small case with five or six CDs, so I'd cycle through a group every week or so, but I'd usually wind up listening to the same CD multiple times in that period. I have really strong memories of smiling while listening to this CD as I watched Philadelphia go by on the train, and I always thought it was great for sunny days. The music is super poppy and just perfect for a day when the sun is out in force.

Perfect for a day when you want to curl up with a blanket on a cold day is Matt Pond PA's Winter Songs, a collection of original and cover songs that really could be the soundtrack to the days when there's a chill in the air and some snow on the ground. The EP has covers of songs by Lindsey Buckingham, Neil Young, and even Neutral Milk Hotel. I love that they covered "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea"--it's one of my favorite Neutral Milk Hotel songs, and what the band did with it was fantastic. I think that was one of the reasons I bought the CD in the first place.

I remember listening to Songs About Jane when I first got it and thinking, "Eh, it's alright." It wasn't one of the albums that I fell in love with right out of the gate. It took a few spins in the CD player for me to get into it at all, and slowly I began to think that it was a little bit better than my first impressions let on. Of course, there were a few radio hits from the album -- "Harder to Breathe" and "This Love" became pretty popular in 2004, and, from the tales I've heard, were actually the last two songs added to the album. I think my favorite of the album became "Sunday Morning", which I know I added to a mix CD or two I made for friends, because I loved the upbeat vibe of it, and it made me want to dance around. When I was listening to the album at work, I found myself singing along to the songs under my breath--something that happened a few times this week. Again, I'm amazed by how, while it may have been a while between times I've listened to an album, I can still recall and start singing along with 85-90% of the songs I hear. It's funny how much recall for music is in your head, only to be brought out at the time when the song triggers the memory.

I saved the best story for last. I was happy when I pulled out Pat McGee's Shine, because the couple autographs on the cover reminded me of the day that I got those autographs. First, a little backstory: The first time I heard the Pat McGee Band was in 2000 while I was DJing on 92 WICB, and "Runaway" was on my playlist for one of my shows. One of the other DJs was in the room at the time and said he thought the band was going to go somewhere. I thought so too--there's a good mix of solid Southern rock and great harmonies in the songs on the album, and "Runaway" was just the right poppy tune to put out first. I thought my friend Meg would be into the band too, so as a way to celebrate her birthday I bought tickets for the Pat McGee Band's concert at the TLA. We got down there in time to hear the opener, a little band out of Richmond called Carbon Leaf (which you'll see plenty about in the future, *wink*), and we quickly fell in love with their sound. When Pat and Band got on, though, the crowd was bigger, and we wound up getting a decent place to stand and watch everything only a few rows of people back from the stage. They played a lot of songs off the album, and some from earlier ones I didn't know--seemed like there was a lot of people in the crowd who must've gone to see them a lot. Anyway, after the set the band came out to play an encore, and, to my delight, they decided to play "Rebecca", the second track on the album, which was also my favorite song. In the middle of the song the band started jamming out, and Pat and the sax player left the stage. Meg and I weren't quite sure where they went but figured they were heading into the crowd. What we weren't expecting was for them to go out into the crowd...right behind us! We turned around, and there they were. Suddenly everyone who was in front of us facing the stage were now behind us and trying to rush the performers. We didn't want to get pushed into Pat while he played, clearly, so we had to go along with the people around us who were jumping up and down. Somehow I managed to hook my arms onto the shoulders on a couple people around us and tried to jump in time with them so I wouldn't get knocked over. I'm pretty sure that I must've jumped on someone's foot. Meg got knocked in the head with somebody's arm. Even still, after they went back up on stage, Meg and I looked at each other and said, "THAT was cool!" It definitely made the night memorable, and following the show we were able to get some autographs from the band members hanging out in the vestibule--not such a bad way to end a good night!

That wraps up another week. I wanted to thank everyone who's been reading so far. I've gotten a lot of positive support over the past five weeks, which is great because it keeps me going. I hope it's been enjoyable to read so far, and I'm excited to see what happens in the coming weeks. Until next week, happy listening!

Total battery sets used: Still 4! Awesome!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 CDs a Week, week 4

CDs of the Week, in no particular order:

1. Fathead, Boundless
2. Moxy Fruvous, Live Noise
3. "Barney's Get Psyched Mix: How I Met Your Corona, August 12,2008" by Christine Wilson
4. Santana, Supernatural
5. "Priceless Jazz Collection: Louis Armstrong"

I was grabbing CDs as I needed this week, so of course, I had to pick a couple last night to make sure I got through the week--I'm such a slacker! The one thing that I was incredibly surprised about this week's listening was that I did not have to change the batteries in my portable player once. I was using it every day for my walks to work, and by the time I got home tonight, it was still going strong. Good job, rechargeable batteries!

On to the music!

I first got into Fathead around my sophomore year in college. Being up in Ithaca, I'm sure, contributed to my love of their mix of progressive rock, jazz, and rap with a twist of socially conscious lyrics. On top of that, their track "I'd Rather Be" wound up on Y100's Philly File CD. Boundless was their third studio album, but it was the one that came out just after I got into the band, so I swooped down and picked that up pretty quickly. I think my favorite track on the album is "Trees", mostly for the long jazzy instrumental middle with gradually increasing sound effects of the city--cars driving by, people on the street, and the gentle wind that seems to blow along the trees on the sides of the street. Some of their other tracks have catchy lyrical hooks that you'll find yourself randomly singing along to after a listen or two. "I'd Rather Be" will probably get stuck in my head for the next week, guaranteed.

"Barney's Get Psyched Mix: How I Met Your Corona..." was a mix put together by my sister Christine for my sister Sharon's birthday. The inspiration for the mix was, of course, How I Met Your Mother's "Get Psyched" mix by character Barney Stinson, with the goal of having a mix that was "all-rise". Chris managed to look up all the tracks used on the mix made for the show. On it, you'll find such great pump-you-up songs like "The Humpty Dance" by Digital Underground, Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", and The Scorpion's "Rock You Like a Hurricane". I was listening to this on my walk into work today, and there was some so utterly awesome about going the pace I was going and hearing Joe Esposito belt out "You're the best, AROUND! Nothin's gonna ever keep you down!" The best part of these mixes, I should add, is that Chris doctors the photos on the cover of the mixes, routinely taking the faces of friends and family and superimposing them on the faces of characters in the pictures for the shows or movies she used. It's sheer brilliance at every turn, and I'm glad I got a copy!

I got the Louis Armstrong CD when I was still in high school. I remember this because I know that I was using songs from the CD on mixtapes I made for a trip Meg and I took up to New England to see her extended family and visit colleges. I used to listed to WPRB out of Princeton on the weekends, Sundays to be exact, and I would sit in my room and listen to the jazz show. I can't remember the name of the DJ that was there, but he had the voice of someone you knew knew jazz. He had just the right mix of age and rasp in is voice to keep you interested without worrying here or there, "What did he just say?" I listened to him a lot while I sat and wrote in my purple notebook or just looked out the window of my room to the porch outside and the yard beyond that. I knew that it might be a wise decision to actually purchase a jazz CD, and somehow I knew that I should start with a classic voice--Louis Armstrong. It's a great CD, full of his notable songs--"La Vie En Rose" and "What a Wonderful World", as well as duets with Bing Crosby and Ella Fitzgerald. A few years ago I thought I had scratched it up, maybe because of how some of the songs transferred to my computer--really, I'm not quite sure why I thought it was scratched up, because as I listened to it today at work, it seemed to be playing smoothly. Maybe it was a fluke and I should check it again, or maybe my thoughts of a scratch were mistaken. Either way, it was nice to be reminded of all the great songs on the CD once more.

Here's the thought process I've imagined when Carlos Santana thought about making Supernatural: Hmm, it's about time I made a multi-platinum album. What's the best way to do that? Oh! I know! I'll collaborate with every artist in the Top 40! The best of the bunch make the album, I'll get lots of radio play because even if people don't know, or remember me that well, they'll definitely know the people I'm playing with, and they'll be sure to buy the album! I'll admit, there are a lot of good songs on the album, but it feels like a majority of them are featuring a big name or two from 1998. If he didn't have the collaborations, would the album stand on its own? Probably, but I doubt it would be platinum 15 times over. The one thing I will say about listening to it this time around was that I didn't realize before that Cee-Lo was on one of the tracks. I didn't know much of him prior to his days in Gnarls Barkley, but it was cool to go back to something I've listened to what seems like ages ago and feel like I've discovered another layer, if only because I'm paying better attention this time around. I think that's going to happen more than a few times as I go through this project.

I can't remember exactly when I got Moxy Fruvous' Live Noise, but it's been an album I always love listening to. I think I first remember listening to Fruvous with Meg in her car, either in her car or on a trip, and I really dug their sound. It was a shame that I didn't get into them before they broke up, because I know from stories of a few friends that they put on an awesome show. Many of my college friends were also into the band, and that only encouraged my love. There is one good story I'm reminded of every time I listen to this album, and it's a little bittersweet.

One of the songs on the album, "Fly", is about that point in time when you realize that the person you're with, someone you truly care about and love, just isn't right for you anymore. A couple weeks after I graduated from college, Bill came down for a visit before he was to start working at a summer camp. It was a little strange that he came down, since we had broken up over a year before, but he wanted to get out and do something before working all summer, and I said, "Sure, come on down for a visit!" One of the days he was here we went to see A Mighty Wind at the movie theater (a great movie in itself, if you haven't seen it yet). He happened to have Live Noise on in his car, and on our way back to my parents' house, "Fly" came on. Without much talking, we both listened quietly to the song at first, and then started belting out the chorus, "Hold on tight. Let's get it just right. We'll take our last flight, you and I." To me, that moment was perfect. I felt like it summed us up. We didn't have to talk about us, what went on in the past between us, or what was going to happen next for either one of us. We were there, together, in that moment, and it almost felt like that was our goodbye. I didn't know when or if I'd see him again, and I knew, I knew, that I wouldn't have a moment quite like that with him again, possibly ever. It's hard to let that first love go, but to have that moment when you know you can and you'll be okay, you'll really be okay, is beyond words.

Oddly enough, I'm not as tired as I was last week when I was writing about everything, but I think it's because I was a little jazzed up with all the political talk today. Current events and elections seem to really get my blood pumping. But that's for another entry for another time. I'm just happy I've been sticking to my deadlines! Until next week, happy listening!

Battery tally: Still 4 sets! Woohoo!