Wednesday, November 10, 2010


...or Chopper 4???

But seriously...

I've been listening to Pandora occasionally at work, and while it often surprises me with songs I haven't heard in ages, since I've started my 5 CDs a Week project, there have been several occasions where Pandora's played a song that was on one of the CDs on my listening list for that week's post.  Often it's been something on a CD I haven't even begun listening to!  Now, I know I've said before that I think Pandora is in cahoots with the music collection on my computer, but to be in cahoots with the CDs I'm picking at random is a bit, okay maybe a lot, weird.  Am I being watched on some small camera by Pandora's algorithm?  Who knows?  If this keeps happening I'm going to get a little freaked out...okay more freaked out than I am already!

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